Known for strength and intelligence, German Shepherds have a bite force of 238-291 PSI. They are popular in law enforcement, military, and as family pets due to loyalty and obedience.
Strong and powerful with a bite force of 305 PSI. Used as guard dogs or for protection, American Bulldogs are energetic and require exercise but are great family pets.
Powerful with a bite force of 328 PSI, Rottweilers are known for strength and intelligence. They excel as guard dogs and can be loving companions with proper training.
Strong and determined with a bite force of 240-330 PSI. Known for their strength, they were banned in various places but legalized in others, and are not allowed in the UK.
Large and powerful with a bite force of 556 PSI, Mastiffs can overpower other animals due to their size and strength.
Known for power and strength, Cane Corsos have a bite force of 650 PSI. They are powerful enough to take down prey larger than themselves.
Largest and strongest with a bite force of 743 PSI. Kangals are used for protection against large predators like wolves and bears in Turkey.
Used in law enforcement, Dutch Shepherds have a bite force of 224 PSI. They are rare but valued for their usefulness and power.