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8 Common Haircare Myths You Didn t Know Are Debunked

Contrary to popular belief, cutting your hair does not affect its growth rate. Hair growth happens at the scalp, so trimming the ends only removes split ends and damage, making hair appear healthier.

1. Cutting Hair Makes It Grow Faster

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Plucking a gray hair does not result in more gray hairs growing back. Each hair follicle produces one hair, and the color is determined by melanin production, not by plucking.

2. Plucking One Gray Hair Gives You More

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Washing your hair regularly does not lead to hair loss. In fact, keeping your scalp clean can promote healthy hair growth by removing excess oil and buildup. However, overwashing with harsh shampoos can strip the hair

3. Frequent Washing Causes Hair Loss

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While matching shampoo and conditioner sets can be convenient, they don't necessarily need to match. Different hair types may require different formulations for shampoo and conditioner to address specific needs

4. Shampoo and Conditioner Should Always Match

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Brushing your hair excessively can actually cause damage by pulling on strands and leading to breakage. Instead, gentle brushing to detangle and style hair is recommended, but there's no need for a specific number of brush strokes.

5. 100 Brush Strokes a Day Make Hair Healthier

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Hair does not become immune to shampoo over time. However, it's possible for hair to become accustomed to certain products, leading to buildup or less effective cleansing. It's good to switch up shampoos occasionally to prevent this.

6. Hair Gains Immunity to Shampoo Over Time

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While natural hair care products may have their benefits, not all natural ingredients are necessarily better for your hair. Effective hair care depends on the specific needs of your hair and scalp, regardless of whether the ingredients

7. Natural Hair Care Products Are Always Better

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While rinsing with cold water can temporarily seal the hair cuticle, giving it a smoother appearance, it doesn't necessarily make hair shinier in the long term. Using conditioners and serums designed to add shine can be more effective.

8. Cold Water Rinses Make Your Hair Shiny

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